Sterling Public Library
The library offers a variety of materials and formats for adults. The collection has designated areas for general fiction, mystery, large print, western, science fiction, non-fiction, biographies, audiobooks, and videos. Comfortable chairs surround two fireplaces. Small tables enable individuals to work on projects.
Three study rooms are available for small group or individual use. One study room can be reserved. Reservations require an application and deposit..........
A special area designed for teens with special chairs and cafe tables. Six computers are available for teen use. This area is reserved for teens only during all non-school hours. Teen manga and graphic novel collections continue to grow..........
The children's area has 4 computers, 1 junior AWE computer, and 2 early literacy AWE computers. Many educational toys are out for children to enjoy at all times. A corner of big cozy books lets kids relax and read a book. Several tables are available for working on homework or other activities. Parents also have an area to relax while observing their children as they explore the library.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm; Friday-Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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102 N. Riverview Road
Sterling, CO 80751