Come Home for the Holidays: Turkey Trot!
Make your plans for the season and "Come Home For The Holidays" to see Sterling sparkle!
You know how it's going to be - dinner with the family, deserts at every turn, pumpkin lattes, more dinners with family, platters of goodies at work, pumpkin lattes, another piece of pumpkin pie, extra whip, and a handful of iced sugar cookies.

Oh my!
Go ahead and enjoy the season's goodies but don't forget to take care of all those extra calories.
Get started with the 12 Annual High Plains Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 26. Before you stuff your turkey, you can strut your stuff in the 5K run/walk/stroll or take part in the 1 mile leisure loop. This year's event will benefit Cooperating Ministries of Logan County and Sterling Regional MedCenter You can preregister at Or register before the race at 7:30 a.m. The race starts at 8:30 a.m., at Peace Lutheran Church, 1404 S. 9th Ave., Sterling.
Run, turkey, run!!