3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Weekend

boy in blanket fort

1.  Free Family Fun

Who doesn’t love making a blanket fort?! Go to the Sterling Public Library on Friday, Feb. 22, 5:30 pm, for a Family Fort Fun program for the whole family. Bring your own blankets to build your fort and enjoy some story telling. A light meal will be served so go ahead and RSVP at 970-522-2023.

2.  This Spot is Hot!

One Hot Spot wasn’t enough, they had to open a second location! This smokehouse, located at 402 Main St., in downtown Sterling, is tucked in the former Bill’s Motors building which was an automobile dealership and garage from the early 1900s and is now home to some of the best barbecue around.

3.  Make Yourself at Home

Accommodations in Logan County range from a quaint boutique motel to modern hotels in beautiful settings. Travelers who prefer recreational vehicles or tent camping will feel right at “home” at our campsite facilities.

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