Sterling Fun Facts

Sterling, the heart of Logan County...

dsc 0289a resized surrounded by over 1800 sq. miles with an uninterrupted star-filled sky.

pheasant 1

...was named one of the “25 Best Pheasant Hunting Towns in America” by Pheasants Forever Magazine.

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...boasts over 60 acres of parks with paths and trails.

giraffes horizontal by merri 2 called the “City of Living Trees” for its many tree sculptures created by Bradford Rhea.

logan county whitney james overland trail museum

...celebrates one of the most heavily traveled routes across the high plains in the 1800s at the Overland Trail Museum.

tami.brown.sterling.walkto pawnee buttes the gateway to the Pawnee Pioneer Trails Scenic & Historic Byway.

logan county whitney james partsandlaborbrewing 3 a state-of-the-art hospital and the acclaimed David Walsh Cancer Center, a premier two-year college, a vibrant town square, a Downtown Historic District, and the first brewery on the eastern plains.

north sterling state park boat slips at sunset the home of North Sterling Reservoir State Park and its array of boating and wildlife activities.

logan county whitney james sterling drone located in the beautiful South Platte River Valley with 331 clear, sunny days a year!

WHERE TO EAT Logan County's culinary culture includes down-home favorites at local diners, and unique cuisine and signature specialties at our restaurants.

WHERE TO STAY Accommodations in Sterling range from a quaint boutique motel to modern hotels in beautiful settings. Travelers who prefer recreational vehicles or tent camping will feel right at “home” at our campsite facilities.

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